Varicose and spider veins are blood vessels that swell and protrude from under the skin. Their valves are weakened, which worsens the blood flow in the area.
Harmony’s vascular treatments offer an effective, non-surgical treatment that will help narrow down those veins and reduce their visibility. It uses advanced light, laser, and Advanced Fluorescence Technology (AFT) to leave you with healthy-looking skin for the long term.
Sclerotherapy is a procedure during which medicine is injected into the blood vessels in order to make their walls contract. It is used for treating malformations of blood vessels and those of the lymphatic system.
Cost - From £200
The Harmony XL Pro laser treatment now comes with an attachment from Alma Lasers, Clearvein Laser, which helps treat spider veins and vascular lesions with a special wavelength of light. This non-surgical laser treatment uses a long pulse of light laser energy to disintegrate the malformed vein. The wave specifically targets the area under the skin surface so that the epidermis is left unbroken. The vein is destroyed immediately after absorbing the laser energy, and the area is whitened.
Cost - From £70
HOW DOES ITS WORKS?SHR’s unique gradual heating method effectively damages the hair follicles while avoiding injury to the surrounding skin. The sweeping In-motion TM delivery technique keeps the laser in constant motion ensuring full coverage
WHAT IS INVOLVED?SHR’s unique gradual heating method effectively damages the hair follicles while avoiding injury to the surrounding skin. The sweeping In-motionTM delivery technique keeps the laser in constant motion ensuring full coverage. Simultaneous contact cooling prevents burns and allows for more comfortable treatment. And a specialized applicator allows your physician to treat large areas in less time.
WHAT IS THE RESULT?Simultaneous contact cooling prevents burns and allows for more comfortable treatment, while a specialized applicator allows your physician to treat large areas in less time. Whether you have light, dark or tanned skin, coarse or fine hair, Harmony achieves complete hair removal for all areas of the body that’s safe, quick and best of all- virtually painless.
WHAT ARE THE RISKS OR SIDE EFFECTS?Laser hair removal is safe, but it can occasionally cause side effects, such as pain and discomfort, and red skin that may last for some time.
ARE THERE ANY CONTRAINDICATIONS & CAUTIONS?Before any laser treatment we require Patch test and full medical history of our patient, in order to avoid and complication. During the consultation process, the therapist will discuss the following with you: • Treatment goals and expectations • Current method of hair removal • The hair cycle and skin • How laser hair removal treatment works • Different types of laser technology • The treatment process and factors that will determine your results • Details about your medical history (including any current medications) • Pre-treatment requirements • Aftercare requirements • Predicated results of the treatment Once this is completed and you are happy to proceed the therapist will seek your informed consent to undertake a patch test, or tests if you would like treatment on different areas.
WHAT IS THE BASIC AFTERCARE ADVICE?Applying a cold pack on the treated area, which is causing you discomfort or irritation, would be a great and safe way of protecting the treated area if necessary. Avoid applying make-up on your face after treatment for at least 24 hours Apply sun block in hotter weathers. The sun block will protect skin from getting pigmentations, patchy skin or rashes from the sun exposure. Be selective with the chemical based products you apply on your skin.